Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Audrey Middleton Acts Like Bratty Child As Her Eviction Fate Is Sealed

Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Audrey Middleton Acts Like Bratty Child As Her Eviction Fate Is Sealed - Backdoor Plan In Full Motion!

Audrey Middleton has been a lightening rod from Day One in the Big Brother 17 house and, ironically, little of it has to do with her being the first transgender person on the show. The biggest problems for Audrey are her lying and tendency to overplay the game. Now, with Shelli in power and Vanessa having won the Veto, everything is in place to send this powder keg packing.

Audrey always said that she was going to go out with a bang, and it looks as though she is trying to do just that. According to Big Brother 17 spoilers from the LIVE Feeds, Audrey first had a go at it with Clay, who is easily her biggest enemy in the house (and he doesn’t do well in hiding his disdain for her gameplay style). These two held little back and provided some pretty good fodder for the coming television show. No drama shortage here at all.

Finally, Clay gave up and went upstairs to start filling in Shelli and Vanessa while Audrey follows. Clay tried to prevent Audrey from coming in, but she eventually did. From there, the entire room pretty much blew up in Audrey’s face and although she wass telling some truths, she continued to seal her eviction fate.

One huge mistake by Audrey here was going after Vanessa and trying to throw her under the bus by airing her secrets out to dry like dirty laundry. Does she realize that Vanessa was her only chance at getting pulled off the block? Vanessa recently held the Power of Veto ceremony and, as was expected, she used it to pull Jason off the block. This left everything wide open for Shelli to name Audrey the REnom. Of all the people Audrey should’ve tried to get along with in that room, Vanessa was the most important. Yet, who did she go after? Yep, Vanessa.

One boneheaded move after another followed. Vanessa and Clay left the room and then Shelli proceeded to throw her hands up in the air. She walked out too.

Audrey then decided that she might as well try to flip the house. Like usual, she didn’t think things through before doing so and went to tell James and others that there is a six person alliance in the House. Despite the fact that this is true, this was not the way to use such Big Brother information! She should’ve been more selective about who she revealed things to.

Like you might expect, this information found its way to Shelli, Clay, and Vanessa, and they called a house meeting. This meeting united the entire house against an absent Audrey and now the writing is clearly on the wall.

Thanks to BB17 spoilers gleaned from the LIVE Feeds, it’s safe to say that Audrey is going home this week. No doubt. She has recently been acting like a bratty child in light of the House’s current attitudes towards her and, when the PoV ceremony was held, she basically locked herself in the Diary Room and delayed the entire ceremony. According to the BB17 LIVE Feeds, she continues to sulk around and many of the players have stopped viewing her as an active player – because they’re just waiting to see her walk out the front door with her bags in hand after Thursday’s LIVE Eviction.

What do you make of Audrey’s current moves? Do you think she has a right to act so childish or should she stop moping around and enjoy her last few moments in the House? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below and don’t forget to check CDL for more Big Brother spoilers, gossip, updates, and news.
