EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Norwegian Pop Star Hanne Leland

After releasing the two well-received singles ‘Keep on Moving’ and ‘QUEEN’ earlier this year, Hanne Leland has slowly started to put her name on the map. She has just finished touring the UK with All Saints and she has a brand new EP filled with incredible songs coming out in the new year. We had the chance to speak with Hanne about her empowering song ‘QUEEN’ and her upcoming music.

Hi Hanne! How are you? 
“Hello hello, I’m great thanks! I just got back from studio after recording a few new songs, so I’m very excited right now.”

You have just finished touring with All Saints. How was it? 
“It was amazing! The girls were super nice and welcoming, and so was the audience. It’s hard to know what to expect from the audience when you’re the supporting act, but I really felt the love.”

What was your favourite thing about the UK? 
“So many pretty cities and so many nice people! I really fell in love with Newcastle and Liverpool and their culture and history. I really enjoyed playing Glasgow too, the Scottish audience is loud and wild, which I love!”

Tell us about your most recent single, ‘QUEEN’ – it’s so empowering! What was your inspiration for this anthem?
“I wrote that song about this one person who repeatedly tried to tear me down, so I basically wrote the lyrics in anger, hehe. I brought the idea to the studio and finished it off with my producers. When that chorus came about, I remember thinking that this song is not just about me anymore. It’s a message to all my fellow humans about the importance of standing up for yourself and never take sh*t.”

Your next EP is scheduled to be released early next year. Can you tell us a little bit about that? 
“Yes! The EP is due to be released during 2017! I have been recording a lot lately, and the EP will contain more empowering power-pop tunes, as well as some more vulnerable and darker songs in the electro-synth pop genre. The songs are very personal, and I’m both excited and terrified to release them.”

How is your new music different than what you have released in the past? 
“Some of my new songs are a little darker lyrically, and I will also be experiencing more with my sound, I don’t ever want to release the same song twice, if you know what I mean. I always want to keep developing my sound and my music, but I’m not going to stray from pop. I love pop shamelessly.”

Other than your next EP, do you have any plans for the near future? 
“I will be playing live, writing and recording. And travelling. I love travelling. Luckily it’s a part of my job.”

Where do you see yourself and your career in five years?
“In five years I will be touring the world, releasing music, and having millions of people listening and relating to my songs.”

Can you share your favourite inspirational quote with our readers? 
“I’m not sure if this is a quote, but I would say; “Choose your battles”. Not everything is worth fighting your guts out for. Having that said, I really do believe you should fight tirelessly for the things you really do want, and the things that matter to you.”

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