Is Ian Garry in UFC 4? All last-known updates discussed

UFC welterweight Ian Garry is arguably one of the promotion's brightest prospects and is billed to be the next big thing in the world of MMA. Having made his UFC debut back in 2021, the Irishman is undefeated in his six fights in the company and boasts an overall record of 13-0.

Despite being a rising superstar, Garry is surprisingly not a part of the UFC 4 video game. It is worth noting that the Irishman is amongst a number of notable names who are yet to make it to the game. The last update of the game was released in July where three ranked fighters were added to the game, Erin Blanchfield, Jack Della Maddalena, and Brandon Royval.

With his recent win over Neil Magny, Ian Garry has moved up to the number 11-ranked position in the welterweight rankings and it's safe to say that we might see him get added to the game in its next update.

Ian Garry UFC 4: The Irishman calls out Stephen 'Wonderboy' Thompson following UFC 292

With his win over Neil Magny, Ian Garry put the UFC welterweight division on notice. Moreover, he is hungry to prove himself against the best that the division has to offer and is looking to fight four times more before getting a shot at the title.

Speaking of what's next for him during the post-fight interview with Joe Rogan, Ian Garry spoke about wanting to fight Stephen Thompson next. While suggesting that he wants to test himself against one of the best strikers in a five-round fight, the Irishman said:

"This breaks me into the UFC top 10. I'm 25 years of age and I'm telling you now. I need to prove myself as the best striker that this division has ever seen. And Joe, I think you can guess where I'm going here. To be the best striker in the world, you need to beat the best strikers, and everybody has Stephen 'Wonderboy' Thompson on that list. So give me Stephen 'Wonderboy' Thompson, whenever, where ever, for five rounds, and I will prove to you I'm the new generation of striker in the world."

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