Sad Details About Howard Stern's Life

Howard Stern has long been known for his aggressive, crude, and sometimes combative style. He went after "anyone and everyone whose career was prospering," he said in The Hollywood Reporter, including, Jerry Seinfeld, David Letterman, and Rosie O'Donnell. According to O'Donnell, after Stern began taunting her, crazed fans of his started digging through her trash and even threatened her son's life.

One of Stern's biggest regrets is his hostile interview with Robin Williams from the early '90s. "I loved Robin Williams, but there I am beating him over the head with, like, 'Hey, I hear you're f***ing your nanny?' I could have had a great conversation, but I'm playing to the audience," he said. "They want to hear outrageousness, and that's my arrogance thinking that Robin Williams can't entertain my audience. How stupid am I?"

He never apologized to Williams before the actor's death. But Stern did patch things up with O'Donnell — and now, in fact, they're close friends.
